Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Founder

You know how Facebook has that feature where you can view your own profile as if you were someone else looking at it? There are so many times I wish that was a real-life feature. I would love to see myself through someone else's eyes. It would probably encourage me to not be so stupid sometimes. Like when I ran into the sole founder of my nickname: Asstree.
I could have reacted differently. But the best part of the entire reaction was the lack thereof.

It was the last day of finals, Corinne and I were leaving campus for the last time of our Junior year, icecream cups in hand.

Corinne may or may not have heard me mutter that I knew the people walking towards us. The next 5 seconds were a blur of confusion for some. I was staring at the ground, trying not to make eye contact. Corinne was wondering why this woman was staring at me. Does one need to explain why such incidents would rather be avoided? Although perhaps a conversation would have proved amusing...for the second time. Alas, we shall never know. I just hung my head in shame hoping there wouldn't be a repeat- another story to add to the humiliation of Asstree? I'm sure there's another in the making.

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