Today, I made a fool of myself....SHOCKER. I broke out my "Welcome Winter" outfit: Amethyst tee, with cerulean/navy damask sweater....SO PRETTY. I even went to the extreme length to let my waves embrace the crisp air by finger-setting all my curls. Anyways, the point? I looked good. This hypothesis was further proved earlier this afternoon when I went to a forum in the Taylor Chapel. Trying to slip in unnoticed, I sat in the back, in the first empty seat I could find, which just happened to be next to an attractive boy. Now, usually I am the first one in a situation to chat up those around me, but to my surprise, this boy just jumped all over me and was peppering me with questions, not letting me get a word in edgewise. Pretty soon, we were joined by his roommate, who kept leaning over his buddy to touch my knee, shake my hand, blah blah blah. Now, let's be clear: I could hear a hallelujah chorus singing, because this is the type of thing that NEVER happens to me. Here I am, getting chatted up and flirted with by not one, but two boys! Whoa. But, what's this? A THIRD BOY YOU SAY? Why yes, I did. That is exactly what happens. While I'm being romanced by these two competing roommies, a third boy sits in the empty seat next to me, and quickly begins to dominate the conversation. He puts his arm around the back of my chair, is extremely flirtatious, and then starts ooo-ing and ahh-ing over my sketchbook, another thing that NEVER happens to me.
So, let's recap:
As the forum begins, I find myself surrounded by three attractive men, all who seem to be vying for my attention. As I sit and take notes/sketch, I decide to take matters into my own hands. Of the three boys, it was the third that captured me the most. Sitting there next to him, knowing I might never see him again, and yes, possibly letting my eternal companion slip through my fingers (pathetic, I know. I'm gagging as I write this), I decided that I would give him my phone number on my way out the door. I quietly HAND-LETTERED my name on a piece of paper, with my digits underneath, and prepared to hand it to him like I was some kind of smooth babe or something. Now, for those of you who are not designers, hand lettering is pretty much the "leopard bra" of design. It's like saying, "Oh yeah, you see how amazing this handwriting is? There is plenty more where that comes from." So, as the forum ends, my heart starts beating faster, and I'm getting a little nervous. But then I remind myself that the worst thing that could possibly happen is he never calls me. But, I would forever be the incredible girl who was confident enough in herself to pass on her number and then strut out the door. So, I coolly gather my things, stand, and say to the fellow on my right,"It was so nice meeting you. Here's my number. I'd love it if you'd call." TO MY HORROR, this man looks a little embarrassed, and then proceeds to tell me he's MARRIED.
Bad form sir. You should be totally ashamed of yourself for shamelessly flirting with me, and stealing my attention away from the two SINGLE boys that were sitting next to me! Gah! And this dork's poor wife! She will probably find my number in the remnants of his bag, and then forever have a vendetta against me, an innocent bystander in the line of fire of her hubby's chocolate pools of attractiveness. So, it's official. At the time of marriage, both partners should receive invisibility cloaks, so as to end all this ridiculous confusion on campus, and put an end to all the I'm-Trying-So-Hard-To-See-If-There-Is-A-Ring-On-Your-Finger-Without-Being-Obvious-ness.
Agreed. Married guys should wear a sign.... and never even close to flirt with you. Gah... Men..