Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Spuds Over Studs

Would you walk into a men's restroom to make it look like you nonchalantly ran into someone? Ya, me too. (Austrie speaking here)...and that totally happened. If you don't know me, you probably think I'm a bit of an introvert. If you do know me, you may still think that. I'm not one to be put out of my comfort zone or to cry attention to myself. Please. I'm great at turning all shades of embarrassing red. Any "guy story" I have most likely turns into something we can all laugh about for weeks later. Let me tell you one. 
Rewind to November
I'm on campus one Friday afternoon, with Corinne of course,(what Friday am I not with her?) and we're just working in the Clarke as usual. Days before I was telling her about an old friend that would be visiting Rexburg. Our drafting studio overlooks one of the main quad areas and I see him. From the 2nd floor, like 50 yds away i'm like omg! That's him! She's like "where?!" She starts panicking, thinking that I've spotted the unicorn we saw at the grocery store the other night ... but alas, it wasn't the mythical, single, ringless, tall-drink-of-water that we Broulims. So we run over to the window and he starts walking into the building. At this point, my eardrum has practically burst with her shrieks of, "You have to talk to him!!!" And good ole' introverted, shades-of-red-me…I'm like "psh naaaaah it's all good." The next thing I know she's running out of the room down the stairs, in hot pursuit of my happily-ever-after. You know, just another spinster lookin' out for her sister. So what do I do? Like any normal, healthy, tragically date-deprived woman, I sprint after her, yelling in my scariest warrior voice, "If you embarrass me, I will KILL you!" I hit the landing of the stairs just as Corinne oh-so-coyly passes said instigator on her way to the drinking fountain, providing me with my window of glory. He immediately recognizes me and he gives me this big hug (be still my heart!) and then the magical words, "I was hoping I would run into you!" Meanwhile, I'm suddenly noticing how cute he seems to have become, and blubbering like an idiot, when my wing-woman appears from the watering hole. Introductions ensue, and like any loyal spinster cohort, she starts in on the gushing. "Oh my gosh you're sooooo lucky- Austrie is such an amazing person…blah, blah, blah" and he says (and I quote) "I know! She was such a stallion in the mission." A stallion? What does that even mean? I'll tell you what it means. It means I'm too fast for anyone to keep up with. Right?....... yeah, that's it for sure.
Fast Forward a few months.
(a few long, lonely months)
It's another wonderful day at BYU-Idaho. I've had a couple of run-ins with you-know-who, he who shall not be named, since the semester started. We walk in, and amidst the sea of testosterone, there he is. I think about ignoring the opportunity but it seemed too obvious to ignore. So Corinne goes to save our seats (alone, typical) and I quickly come up with that nonchalant plan I mentioned earlier. I do a big U turn but end up at an awkward spot so I go to the bathroom to wash my hands.
Whoever space planned the BYUI center is a sweet spirit I'm sure, but I would appreciate a better sign that marks the boys bathrooms from the girls bathroom (the stick figure with a dress didn't cut it for me). I'll let you decide what happened. But before you judge me too harshly, ask Corinne about her confusion with signage. With a help of a nice man I was guided to the women's bathroom. But, despite the traumatic turn of events, my plan was still going strong. I walked right past Mr. Stallion and cha-ching! It worked! He left the people he was talking to and talked to me! I thought the plan was golden, and perhaps it was. Until I asked if he was waiting for someone.
>Insert facebook update that night.< 
Totes has a girlfriend. Sweet. Idaho, you've been so good to me. Please don't ever stop.

1 comment:

  1. LOL!! I thought stallion was an appropriate sentiment to how you were on the mission.. but when you pick it apart... lol! Oh we've all been there... Not in the men's bathroom.. But I was once thinking about a guy while I passed him in a car so I drove right past him into a tiny dead end.. and had to do a million Y turns to get out while he watched and was very entertained.. :/
