Sunday, February 2, 2014

Public Service

Peanut butter just wouldn't be the same without his jelly, Jerry wouldn't be as cute without Tom, cookies just boring without milk. Each of them good alone, but together, a whole new level of awesome is achieved. It was with that mindset that Austrie (fellow blogger, sassy red-head, and best friend) and I decided to bring our two blogging worlds together into one epic, intensely humorous, URL domain.

>pause for the angelic chorus<

You're welcome. 

For all intents and purposes, Austrie and I may as well be dating each other. We know one another perfectly, have each other's class schedule's memorized (not to mention 3/4 our classes are together), share groceries, spend almost every Friday night together, and just about every other sentence out of our mouths is an inside joke. We share everything, including our bone-dry, famine-for-40-years, all-of-our-friends-are-getting-married, we're-some-of-the-oldest-people-here-at-BYU-Idaho, dating lives. The thing is, MTV is really missing out on cutting us a check; while they're busy following around the children of Jersey Shore and Beverly Hills, the real drama is unfolding right here, in Rexburg, Idaho. And, as fun as it is to be the sole beneficiaries of these momentously ironic events, we've decided it's really a shame, in all honesty a crime, not to share them with you. How are we still single? Nobody knows. So fasten your seat-belts kids; you're about to find out why Reese's just wouldn't be the same without peanut-butter. 

1 comment:

  1. Just got onboard. I forgot about it until Rachel said something. I am already laughing. :D
